Eva Wisnik and her husband Robert attended a study trip to Poland organized by the Forum for Dialogue. As a result, in July 2014, Jake Wisnik’s Bar Mitzvah was held at the “Synagogue” Center of the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland. It was the first Bar Mitzvah in Zamość in 75 years.
“Coming to Poland for the Forum for Dialogue’s study trip changed our family’s life in a deep and powerful way. We felt a deep need to show our three children where all of their ancestors came from. And now Jake’s Bar Mitzvah shows that Jews can continue to have a meaningful relationship and connection with Poland.”
Robert Wisnik, Nowy Jork
“My mum was born in Poland, and my dad’s family is from Poland, so I am really 100% Polish. I thought it would be cool to go and see the land of my ancestors. When the rabbi was passing the Torah, emulating Moses on Mount Sinai and how generations of parents pass the Torah to their children, I thought of my grandparents who lived here.”
Jake Wisnik, Nowy Jork
“I came on this trip to Poland with a mostly cynical attitude, as part of which ‘being thrown out of Poland’ in 1968 as a 5 year old had become the core of my identity. As I turned 50, I felt a need to repair my relationship with Poland, and this trip helped tremendously. I saw the new, free Poland, very different than my childhood memories. Having had such a deep, emotional experience, I had my Polish citizenship reinstated. Our family decided together to honor our 20 generations of Jewish ancestors who lived in Poland by having our youngest son’s Bar Mitzvah in Poland.”
Eva Wisnik, Nowy Jork
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